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As a space- and time-transcending installation, Gotta Catch 'Em All visualized the idea of subtly stimulating the viewer's perception. This led to a subversive influence and change in the perception of the work space and exhibition context.


Specifically: the extremely intense color caused an increased sensitivity of the eyes to the complementary color during the recipient's relatively short stay, so that the viewer's perception was altered for some time after leaving the spatial installation. The works by the artists Tobias Fluhr and Florian Wörrle, exhibited in the adjacent rooms, were thus viewed - partly unconsciously - in an expanded, visually constantly changing spectrum of perception.


Furthermore, the intense color space atmosphere had a stimulating and irritating effect on the visitors at the same time, as the correct perception of colors and spatial distances was partially eliminated. In this visual borderline experience, it seemed as if one's eyelids had been turned inside out.

Installation, Video, Objects

Dimensions variable


Installation: Gotta Catch 'Em All 2016

Video: CDF (Caspar David's Television) 2016, Anders Sagen according to Caspar David 2016


Greater than zero >0, Karlsruhe, 2016

Photography: René Stanger

© René Stanger. All rights reserved 2023

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